Every Daughter is a group of women from several churches around Dane County who meet regularly to contact and offer assistance to women who are sexually exploited & trafficked in our community.  


Our purpose is to build trust and relationships with the women we meet, offering support and prayer that is free of judgment and reflects the unconditional love of God.


We honor the dignity and worth of every woman, made in the image of the Creator and deeply loved by the Father. We see each one as a great treasure and long to see her live in freedom and restored to fullness.


We believe in the power of prayer and it is the foundation of Every Daughter. The Lord is our source, our motivation, and our delight. We also respect the right to self-determination and offer prayer & spiritual care as much or as little as each woman wishes. It is not necessary for a woman to participate in prayer or other spiritual practices in order to be served by Every Daughter.


In order to effectively address the needs of women involved in commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking, we work in collaboration with many local partners in Dane County. We greatly value being part of this community-wide effort and are always looking to make connections with others who are also engaged in anti-trafficking work. If you are part of an organization that would like to connect with Every Daughter, send us a message.


To learn more about commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) and why we serve all women impacted by the sex industry, check out the Exodus Cry “choice” resource page.