Every Daughter facilitates a direct outreach program to women who are exploited and trafficked through the commercial sex industry in Dane County. How do we reach them?

Sex trafficking in the U.S. is often facilitated through an online platform of some kind, with women advertised for sex on public websites and through social media. Under prayer covering, we access online sites and gather information of women who are advertised for sex in our local area. The Every Daughter Outreach Team contacts the phone numbers listed in the ads, via phone calls and text messages sent from our secure phone number.

Our message? We want women to know that someone cares and that we are here as a support for them, wherever they’re at. If a woman is interested in information about treatment or local resources in the community, we connect her. If a woman is open to prayer, we pray blessing over her. If a woman wants to leave her situation, we assist her in problem solving how to do that. 

At this time due to our limited capacity to provide good aftercare to the women we are already serving, we have paused our direct outreach via phone calls and texts.


Ongoing Support & CARE

Every Daughter provides ongoing support and care for women we meet through our outreach program and through referrals from our community partners. The extent of our involvement in a woman's life is based on her wishes and needs. It is not unusual for women impacted by commercial sexual exploitation & trafficking to have little to no positive support in their lives, and we desire to be a loving presence they can count on.

What does this look like?

  • Connecting regularly by phone and in person to check in + offer encouragement

  • Identifying treatment options to address substance abuse and mental health needs

  • Referral and assistance in applying for long-term residential recovery programs

  • Assistance completing housing and employment applications

  • Transportation for important appointments



Every Daughter offers emergency, short-term respite care to exploited women in need of immediate safety. Respite care includes lodging, meals, and oversight in accordance with the woman's needs.  

Respite care is typically utilized for women who are exiting trafficking situations, who are in transition to long-term recovery programs, or who are considering leaving and need a safe, stable environment in order to consider their next steps.

At this time, emergency respite care is only offered to women we know directly as a result of our outreach program or through referral by trusted community partners.



Prayer is vital to the work of Every Daughter and is woven into everything we do. Through prayer, we connect ourselves to the heart of God, to learn of him and those he loves. We recognize that care for the vulnerable is his work and we are simply joining him in it as his children.

Through the dedication of the Every Daughter Prayer Core, the women we work with are covered in prayer seven days a week and as emergency needs arise.  To learn more about the Prayer Core and how you can get involved, visit our volunteering page. Every Daughter also participates in collaborative prayer & training events with other local organizations involved in anti-trafficking work that are open the the public, in order to pray for our city and learn together. To find out about the next prayer & training event, check out our events calendar.

Every Daughter is an initiative of bigbighouse, a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit based in Madison, WI. The work of Every Daughter is made possible by generous donations made by individuals, local churches, and other ministry partners who are passionate about reaching sexually exploited and trafficked women with the love of Jesus.